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You’ve Got A Family Law Problem, What Do You Do Now?

You’ve Got A Family Law Problem, What Do You Do Now?

Whether you’ve got a dispute about parenting and custody matters, property settlement or spouse maintenance, the first step should always be to get the best legal advice you can. Find a local family lawyer with expertise in family law matters. A good family lawyer can give you expert guidance based on your particular circumstances. Our family law solicitors are experienced…

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Equal Time v Significant and Substantial Time

Equal Time v Significant and Substantial Time

Often when parents are considering living arrangements for their children, they have to consider whether the children will live with one parent primarily and spend significant and substantial time with the other or whether they will live on an equal time basis. Is an equal time arrangement the best arrangement for your children? The answer is that is depends on…

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Challenging or Contesting a Will-Family Provision Claims

Challenging or Contesting a Will-Family Provision Claims

There are a number of ways to challenge or contest a Will but the most common way is through a Family Provision Application. Not everyone is eligible to make a Family Provision Application and there are strict time frames that apply. Make sure you know your rights, requirements and time frames if you are considering challenging or contesting a Will.

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What is a Family Report and what is it used for?

What is a Family Report and what is it used for?

If your matter is in Court then you may be required to attend a Family Report interview so that a Family Report can be done for the Court. This report provides information about you, your children and the other parent and extended family in some instances. The Court then uses the information and any recommendations the report writer may make to assist in identifying what is in the children’s best interests.

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Separation Under One Roof-the facts and the realities.

Separation Under One Roof-the facts and the realities.

As a family lawyer I am increasingly seeing couples who are separated but continue to live under the one roof. The two most common reasons I have been given for this are that people are doing it either for the children or out of financial necessity. This may explain the reason but perhaps not the reality of two people trying to co-parent or cohabit while trying to move forward and start a new life.

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To Tweet or not to Tweet

To Tweet or not to Tweet

The relationship between the Family Court and social media can be a slippery slope. You need to be aware of the impact and ramifications that using social media while your matter is in the Family Court can have on your case.

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How to Find a Good Family Lawyer

How to Find a Good Family Lawyer

If you need to find a good family lawyer the first step (and probably the hardest) is realising that you need one. Whether you are married or in a de-facto relationship, are separated or considering separation, then the chances are that you could benefit from legal advice. It’s important that your family lawyer is experienced and that you are comfortable with them, so don’t be afraid to “interview” your potential family lawyer to find out if they are right for you.

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